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Making apple cider at home

Apple cider is the filtered juice of apples that has been in the kitchen for centuries. It is available for sale in super markets. Many of them did not know that it is easy to make the apple cider at home. Here is a guide on how to make apple cider at home. People already got the equipment needed to make the cider. A sharp knife, food processor, cheesecloth or filter and a container are equipment required to prepare homemade apple cider. Most commercial ciders are made from different varieties of apples. Fuji and red delicious apples can make a sweeter cider whereas Macintosh and granny smith ciders are tart. When making own cider people can mix these apple varieties as they like or choose any of their favorite apple. People who have decided to combine varieties can mix red, gold and green for best flavor combinations.

Cider tastes good when it is prepared from fresh apples. People who do not find an orchard near their home can visit the market of local farmers to pick the fresh apples. If you like to use healthiest apples, you should avoid apples that are bruised and battered. One gallon of cider requires 36 apples. Buy apples as per your requirement. Before starting the cooking procedure make sure you have washed all the apples. This is very important if you have nonorganic apples. Make sure the apples are free from pesticides and any chemicals used on them to prevent it from pests and insects. So, people have to rinse under flowing water to remove the dirt on it. Then they can start the process by coring the apples. They can use an apple corer or cut the apples into pieces using a knife. They can either peel the skin or chop the apple as it is. They have to keep the apples whirling to make finer pulp. This means people can extract more juice.


Next step in the process is spreading the cheesecloth over the container. They can use coffee filter or cheesecloth of their choice. Pour the extract into the filter. It will strain the juice and separate it from skin, seeds of apple and other sediments. People have to squeeze the cloth or filter to get out the juices completely. They can experiment the cider with different spices and add flavor to it. Lemon peel, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg are some complementary flavors they can add to the cider for taste. If you like to make the cider hard, you can add some little rum or alcohol. Then the cider has to be stored in an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator for about a week. If they pasteurize the cider by heating it at a degree of 71, they need to keep the cider in the refrigerator for three weeks. They can open the container and serve it in the table whenever required. They have to close the container tight after every use. This will keep the apple cider last for a long use.



Procedure to make apple cider at home

Making and canning apple cider is simple and easy. People who are making sauce from apples will probably have some extra juice from the apples they have cooked. Here is the cooking procedure describing about how to make apple cider at home. People may want to know the differences between apple juice and cider. Apple cider is nothing but raw apple juice undergone filtration for removing the coarse particles. Ingredients and equipment required for making it are apples, jar grabber, jar funnel, lid lifter, filters, water bath canner, sieve, ball jars, large pot and large spoons. First step in the process is selecting the apples. People have to choose apples that are sweet. This can eliminate the need of sugar. People can get the apples at any of the local grocery stores. They need to buy apples according to cider quantity they want.

Next step is getting the jars ready. Dishwasher is enough to clean the jars. People who do not have dishwasher and a sanitize cycle can wash the jars in hot and soapy water. Boiling the jars for few minutes can keep them sanitized. Do not take the jars until the hot cider is ready. People have to wash the apples and chop them. They can chop them faster by using apple corer. They no need to peel the fruits. They have to put the apple into the cooking pot to get cooked. Filtered tap water has to be poured in to the pot to cook the apples. When the apples are started to cook turn the lid to high level until all the apples become soft. If you visit an electronic store or hardware store, you can find fruit steamers available. This can help you in cooking the fruits and making any fruit sauces. People can use this fruit steamer to get help in making apple cider. Even people can use an electric juicer to chop the apples and boil the juice in a pan.


Next step in the procedure on how to make apple cider is separating the juice from the skin, seeds, pulp and other sediments. There are several ways people can follow to filter the juice. People who like to use natural apple cider can plop the apples into a plastic or metal sieve. They can refrigerate the cider for one or two days and decant it without discarding sediment or mixing anything. If you do not like the sediments, you can use filters such as jelly bag or coffee filters to extract the juice alone. Then pour the cider in a pot. If you wish, you can add cinnamon for taste. Set the stove to low simmer and heat the cider until you obtain enough cider to fill the glass jars. Fill the jars with the cider and seat the lid tighten around the mouth of the jar. Put the jars in the canner with one or two inches of boiling water covering them. Remove the jars after 10 minutes and cool them. Thus, apple cider is made at home.



Simple homemade apple cider recipe

The apple cider is one of the best treats of the Christmas season that can be made with fresh apples and spices. The apple cider vinegar has several health properties that have an ability to minimize the appetite, split fats and carbohydrates, and increase metabolism. This recipe can also used for reducing a certain amount of fat in the body as well as lower the weight in a short period of time. Even you can make this traditional winter drink in the microwave oven with more quickly and easily. If you want to make this recipe, first you should learn how to make apple cider simple and easy. If you are enjoying using herb vinegar in your recipes, you just try to make fresh and perfect apple cider vinegar.



  • 10 fresh apples, quartered
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon ground allspice
  • ¾ cup white sugar

Methods to prepare apple cider vinegar

  • First, you should wash all the apples thoroughly with fresh water.
  • Next, you cut the apple into half and make into quartered pieces.
  • Now you can puree the apples, peel and add them in the blender or food processor.
  • Keep the apples whirling until finely ground and make it as pulp like consistency.
  • Now, you should extract the juice so you spread the cheesecloth that acts as a strainer and filters the juice through this cloth and the pulp stays on top of the cloth.
  • Once you get out of all the juice, then you can add some different species to add the flavors like nutmeg, ginger, cloves or melon peel or any other flavors that you most like.
  • By adding complementary flavors, you will get a delicious taste or you can add a cinnamon stick to get a different flavor and taste.
  • Once you extract the juice, then store it in a container with an airtight lid and keep it in the refrigerator for up to two to three weeks for later use.
  • Later on, you can reheat the recipe in the microwave oven to 160 degrees and serve it to taste.


However, the apple cider recipe is made from a variety of different apples. If you make a delicious and sweeter cider, you can try with organic apples. The main thing is to learn how to make apple cider vinegar and prepare it in a proper way. You can add any kind of different flavors according to your favorite taste. If you decide to combine varieties on this juice, you can try to get a mix of gold, red or green for getting various flavor combinations. Therefore, the apple cider vinegar is always a good and healthy traditional drink to taste which can be mostly prepared during the festival season. You can try this apple cider recipe with a variety of tastes by adding different flavor combinations. Let you make the best of your simple and homemade apple cider and enjoy the taste of vinegar in a wine glass.




Easy steps to make apple cider recipe

cider or apple. This recipe becomes more popular among people because of its several health benefits as well as beauty properties. Medicinally, this recipe can be used as a natural remedy for treating many diseases and conditions. But, this apple cider is usually simple and easy to make by using simple ingredients. Before making apple cider, first you should know how to make apple cider in a proper way.



  • 8 to10 fresh apples
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 1 Galloon of filtered water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 orange
  • Dash if ground nutmeg
  • Dash of 4 ground cloves


Instructions to prepare apple cider

Now, you can see how to make apple cider in a simple and an easy way. Let you follow the below steps,


  • First, you take and quarter your apples, but no need to remove the seeds or peel.
  • Take a large stock pot, then add your apples and fill it with enough water. Now, you just cover the apples.
  • Add a certain level of sugar to taste in it.
  • Now you wrap your cinnamon and a certain quantity of ground nutmeg and cloves in a doubled up cheese cloth and tie it well. After that, you can add this to the pot containing apples and water.
  • Let you boil it for one hour with uncovered and checking on it frequently.
  • After one hour, you turn down the heat and let it simmer again for two hours with fully covered.
  • After two hours of simmering, you take off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Now you can remove the spices and mash up the apples well and make it as a pulp like consistency.
  • Once it’s cool, you can pour into a strainer over a large bowl. Once the most of the juice has drained off and put the remainder of the pulp into the doubled up cheese cloth and squeeze over the bowl until no more juice comes out.
  • After that, you can store it in the tight air container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to one week or you can freeze it for later use if you want.
  • Later on, you can reheat in the microwave oven or on the stove when you want.
  • You can enjoy eating either plain or add some caramel syrup and whipped topping with cinnamon that really sweet and gives delicious taste.

These are all the steps to prepare an apple cider recipe. You can also make this recipe without adding sugar if you are a diabetic patient. Instead of adding sugar, you can add diabetic sweeteners to taste which gives an original taste of sugar to your recipe. However, you can prepare and take this vinegar for any type of recipe. TO let you try this apple cider in your home and enjoy the health benefits of ACV.

