Making apple cider at home

Apple cider is the filtered juice of apples that has been in the kitchen for centuries. It is available for sale in super markets. Many of them did not know that it is easy to make the apple cider at home. Here is a guide on how to make apple cider at home. People already got the equipment needed to make the cider. A sharp knife, food processor, cheesecloth or filter and a container are equipment required to prepare homemade apple cider. Most commercial ciders are made from different varieties of apples. Fuji and red delicious apples can make a sweeter cider whereas Macintosh and granny smith ciders are tart. When making own cider people can mix these apple varieties as they like or choose any of their favorite apple. People who have decided to combine varieties can mix red, gold and green for best flavor combinations.

Cider tastes good when it is prepared from fresh apples. People who do not find an orchard near their home can visit the market of local farmers to pick the fresh apples. If you like to use healthiest apples, you should avoid apples that are bruised and battered. One gallon of cider requires 36 apples. Buy apples as per your requirement. Before starting the cooking procedure make sure you have washed all the apples. This is very important if you have nonorganic apples. Make sure the apples are free from pesticides and any chemicals used on them to prevent it from pests and insects. So, people have to rinse under flowing water to remove the dirt on it. Then they can start the process by coring the apples. They can use an apple corer or cut the apples into pieces using a knife. They can either peel the skin or chop the apple as it is. They have to keep the apples whirling to make finer pulp. This means people can extract more juice.


Next step in the process is spreading the cheesecloth over the container. They can use coffee filter or cheesecloth of their choice. Pour the extract into the filter. It will strain the juice and separate it from skin, seeds of apple and other sediments. People have to squeeze the cloth or filter to get out the juices completely. They can experiment the cider with different spices and add flavor to it. Lemon peel, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg are some complementary flavors they can add to the cider for taste. If you like to make the cider hard, you can add some little rum or alcohol. Then the cider has to be stored in an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator for about a week. If they pasteurize the cider by heating it at a degree of 71, they need to keep the cider in the refrigerator for three weeks. They can open the container and serve it in the table whenever required. They have to close the container tight after every use. This will keep the apple cider last for a long use.

