Procedure to make apple cider at home

Making and canning apple cider is simple and easy. People who are making sauce from apples will probably have some extra juice from the apples they have cooked. Here is the cooking procedure describing about how to make apple cider at home. People may want to know the differences between apple juice and cider. Apple cider is nothing but raw apple juice undergone filtration for removing the coarse particles. Ingredients and equipment required for making it are apples, jar grabber, jar funnel, lid lifter, filters, water bath canner, sieve, ball jars, large pot and large spoons. First step in the process is selecting the apples. People have to choose apples that are sweet. This can eliminate the need of sugar. People can get the apples at any of the local grocery stores. They need to buy apples according to cider quantity they want.

Next step is getting the jars ready. Dishwasher is enough to clean the jars. People who do not have dishwasher and a sanitize cycle can wash the jars in hot and soapy water. Boiling the jars for few minutes can keep them sanitized. Do not take the jars until the hot cider is ready. People have to wash the apples and chop them. They can chop them faster by using apple corer. They no need to peel the fruits. They have to put the apple into the cooking pot to get cooked. Filtered tap water has to be poured in to the pot to cook the apples. When the apples are started to cook turn the lid to high level until all the apples become soft. If you visit an electronic store or hardware store, you can find fruit steamers available. This can help you in cooking the fruits and making any fruit sauces. People can use this fruit steamer to get help in making apple cider. Even people can use an electric juicer to chop the apples and boil the juice in a pan.


Next step in the procedure on how to make apple cider is separating the juice from the skin, seeds, pulp and other sediments. There are several ways people can follow to filter the juice. People who like to use natural apple cider can plop the apples into a plastic or metal sieve. They can refrigerate the cider for one or two days and decant it without discarding sediment or mixing anything. If you do not like the sediments, you can use filters such as jelly bag or coffee filters to extract the juice alone. Then pour the cider in a pot. If you wish, you can add cinnamon for taste. Set the stove to low simmer and heat the cider until you obtain enough cider to fill the glass jars. Fill the jars with the cider and seat the lid tighten around the mouth of the jar. Put the jars in the canner with one or two inches of boiling water covering them. Remove the jars after 10 minutes and cool them. Thus, apple cider is made at home.

