Easy steps to make apple cider recipe

cider or apple. This recipe becomes more popular among people because of its several health benefits as well as beauty properties. Medicinally, this recipe can be used as a natural remedy for treating many diseases and conditions. But, this apple cider is usually simple and easy to make by using simple ingredients. Before making apple cider, first you should know how to make apple cider in a proper way.



  • 8 to10 fresh apples
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 1 Galloon of filtered water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 orange
  • Dash if ground nutmeg
  • Dash of 4 ground cloves


Instructions to prepare apple cider

Now, you can see how to make apple cider in a simple and an easy way. Let you follow the below steps,


  • First, you take and quarter your apples, but no need to remove the seeds or peel.
  • Take a large stock pot, then add your apples and fill it with enough water. Now, you just cover the apples.
  • Add a certain level of sugar to taste in it.
  • Now you wrap your cinnamon and a certain quantity of ground nutmeg and cloves in a doubled up cheese cloth and tie it well. After that, you can add this to the pot containing apples and water.
  • Let you boil it for one hour with uncovered and checking on it frequently.
  • After one hour, you turn down the heat and let it simmer again for two hours with fully covered.
  • After two hours of simmering, you take off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Now you can remove the spices and mash up the apples well and make it as a pulp like consistency.
  • Once it’s cool, you can pour into a strainer over a large bowl. Once the most of the juice has drained off and put the remainder of the pulp into the doubled up cheese cloth and squeeze over the bowl until no more juice comes out.
  • After that, you can store it in the tight air container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to one week or you can freeze it for later use if you want.
  • Later on, you can reheat in the microwave oven or on the stove when you want.
  • You can enjoy eating either plain or add some caramel syrup and whipped topping with cinnamon that really sweet and gives delicious taste.

These are all the steps to prepare an apple cider recipe. You can also make this recipe without adding sugar if you are a diabetic patient. Instead of adding sugar, you can add diabetic sweeteners to taste which gives an original taste of sugar to your recipe. However, you can prepare and take this vinegar for any type of recipe. TO let you try this apple cider in your home and enjoy the health benefits of ACV.

